Green Cardamom


Green Cardamom is a spice that people have used for centuries both in cooking and as a medicine. People may also take cardamom as a supplement for its health benefits.

Green Cardamom is an aromatic seed pod used in many Indian preparations such as a creamy kheer or a rich biryani. It lends a distinct aroma and a sweet flavor.

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• Green Cardamom may help lower blood pressure, most likely due to its antioxidant and diuretic properties.
• The antioxidant compounds in cardamom may help protect cells from damage and slow down and prevent inflammation in your body.
• Green Cardamom is often used to treat bad breath and is a component of some chewing gums. This is because cardamom might be able to kill common mouth bacteria and prevent cavities.
• Green Cardamom could help with digestive ailments. Some people use the spice to make a stomach-soothing tea.


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